Tapestry Tuesday #16 - Zone Wave & Structure
Hello all, its Ohms once more bringing you another Tapestry Tuesday!
We continue our dive into the various Forms of SageArt Thread Skills, and while we dipped our toes into the more complicated Forms, today we‘re starting to wade in with Zone Wave and Structure Forms.
Zone Waves and especially Structure SageArts are abilities that rely on a number of components to function fully and correctly, making them more complex. That being said, in implementation both forms are relatively straightforward, as is seen below.
Zone Wave Thread Skills, as their description implies, are skills that replicate a damaging animation in a direction or location, or even a set of locations according to a predetermined pattern. The hitboxes, damage, and damage application are all identical for each ability, thus making Zone Waves deadly effects when in a confined location, or able to deal damage over a wide area otherwise.
Structure abilities, by contrast create a structure that does not deal direct damage. Instead it serves both as an obstacle and an indirect damage support, reacting to various actions (such as attacks from enemies and/or allies) to produce damaging effects, like the pulses shown above and below. They can also provide a method by which units can redirect attacks away from themselves.
On top of this, Structures are tailored to the unit who created them, allowing them to serve both as a platform for the creating unit and its allies, but also gives the creating unit the advantage of unimpeded movement, allowing it to serve as a makeshift barrier.
That is all for now, but there is much more to come in future, and things only become more complex from here. I look forward to sharing more of this system with you all!
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May the Branches light your path!
- Ωs Emmanuel