Tapestry Tuesday #8 - SageStrikes and Combos
Greetings all, its Ohms again.
On this yet another Tapestry Tuesday, I’m here to bring you information about SageStrikes generally, and SageStrike Combos more specifically.
SageStrike Combos
SageStrikes are abilities that represent the martial prowess of the playable character. From wielding a sword or dagger or spear, to simply fighting barehanded, SageStrikes cover the use of martial arts technique as well as skillful mixing of their powers with those techniques.
These distinctions become more apparent with the two Form categories of SageStrikes, Martial and Mixed. Martial Form SageStrikes represents simply the Martial prowess and techniques of the player, while Mixed Form SageStrikes mix in uses of the playable character’s powers to enhance their attacks. Its as easy to distinguish as swinging around a sword vs swinging around a sword which happens to be on fire; a simple distinction, but an important one.
Thus, the implementation of SageStrikes focuses more on the different Output types there are.
The 3 Output types for SageStrikes are, in Summary:
Combos, focusing on stringing together various combo hits
Techniques, focusing on implementing a singular ability
GranStrikes, focusing on a powerful technique requiring the first hit to land.
Today we focus on Combo Sagestrikes!
Slashy slashy!
Instant Combos function as parts of an attack combo whole, and are used by default as the ‘regular attack combo’ of the player, known as a Formation. By themselves, they can replicate any combination of moves, but as part of a Formation, they are split up into their various parts, allowing player full control of his sequence of attacks!
There is more coming when it comes to SageStrikes. The next part, Techniques, comes out on next week’s Tapestry Tuesday! Hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am!
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May the Branches light your path!
- Ωs Emmanuel