Introducing Minnow, Restorer of Lost Nights
Hello everyone!
As mentioned before, I’m here to introduce the first of the two playable characters in A Journey of Light and Dark (Or JoLaD for short), Minnow, the 13th Preserver and nicknamed the Restorer of Lost Night!
Here she is in her full glory
A descendant of an ancient people, Minnow was raised akin to royalty, as she was one of the only children born to those chosen to carry the great authority, duty, and title of Preserver. Though her father was chosen not long after she was born, she has never known him outside of his daily toils, responsibilities and duties of maintaining the barrier and atmosphere of the city of Narezh against the blanching Curse of Day. Even though he loved her, and treated her as a father should when he was able, he could not shirk his enormous responsibilities, responsibilities that taxed him in ways very few could endure.
Seeing this, she vowed to do her best to take on a role to support him, to serve him and ease his burden, even if it was only by a minute amount. Thus, she trained in the ways of war and martial arts, training to become an Authority, a protector of the realm from the monsters which constantly seemed to lurk beyond the shadowy barrier. She honed her skills, trained her powers, in defiance of her own mother, in order to prepare for the day when she would take on this role.
Then the day came when the world spirit came to her in the form of a seed, choosing her as its host, and making her the 13th Preserver, and the Restorer of Lost Nights.
Now, Minnow wields the weapons and can harness the powers of the world spirit Euphorbiana, and must use these powers to cross the harsh, Sheer White Desert on the north side of the world, to seek out the final Dragontree which somehow survived the cataclysm, and begin the process for the restoration of the world.
There is more to Minnow than meets the eye, and much more will be revealed in time: her playstyle, her origins, and her powers and prowess. But there is yet more to come, and another character to reveal so stay tuned for more!
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May the Branches light your path!
- Ωs Emmanuel