Re-sneak peak: Redesigned Characters
Hello all!
It has been far, FAR too long since I last posted a blog post, but I have not been idle this whole time. So many things are under construction right now! But suffice to say that while the work is definitely not over, much has happened in my life to… slow things down shall we say.
That being said, while the major update is going to be happening on Thursday, I decided to redo the sneak peek that I last posted with a new update to the look!
With assistance and input from others, the two main characters have been redesigned and the results will be pretty interesting when fully revealed!
I very much look forward to showing you more in the coming days and weeks! Here’s to progress!
If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe to this website, and follow my social media to keep up with the increasing content!
May the Branches light your path!