Tapestry Tuesday #10 - GranStrike Threads
Hello all, its Ohms once more, here to give you another Tapestry Tuesday.
Its the last Tapestry Tuesday where we’ll focus on SageStrike threads, and the last category to demonstrate is the GranStrike category!
Granstrike, grand symbol
Granstrike represents powerful attacks or capabilities that require landing an initial hit to follow through properly. Without landing the initial hit, some Granstrike abilities leave the character vulnerable, even tripping over themselves or midair above an attacking enemy.
It sucks to miss your attacks
However, if you land your attacks, the resulting devastation upon your enemy is nothing to be trifled with!
Featuring the new training dummy! (Reactions not yet included)
Given the way they function, Granstrikes are the epitome of high risk, high reward. Failing to land them not only disrupts potential combos, but it also leaves the player exposed to counterattack. Land them properly, and you will dish out a lot of pain on your opponents very quickly!
That’s it for all the categories for martial abilities! Next week we survey the many, MANY categories that fall under the final category, SageArt!
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May the Branches light your path!
- Ωs Emmanuel