Tapestry Tuesday #11 - Swarm and Projectile SageArts
Hello all, Ohms again!
Last week things were a flurry of activity to make up for a loss of data, a loss which was overcome with improvements. That being said, its another Tapestry Tuesday, and we’re here presenting the first and second of a long list of SageArt Thread Forms!
SageArts, as opposed to SageStrikes, represent the character’s prowess in the Aspectral Arts, or, put more plainly, their proficiency with their own powers and abilities, collectively known as Aspectral Powers. These powers and abilities augment the character’s playstyle in different ways, resulting in a variety of powerful effects. These effects are categorized by Output and Form categories of the SageArt Threads, as with all other threads.
The SageArt Output types share the same name as Imperative Threads: Instant, Focused, and Channeled. However these terms mean something slightly different when under the SageArt category:
Instant SageArts are abilities that can function as a “Shaping Combo”. These attacks function similarly to a Martial attack combo, except with the ability to generate various Aspect based abilities without additional resource cost.
Focused SageArts are single abilities that can be cast individually, and can be woven in between any attack combo. They are generally one-and-done attacks.
Channeled SageArts are abilities that require a chanelling period before executing the ability, trading moments of vulnerability before executing what is generally a more powerful attack.
With these categories in mind, we start off the expansion of this category with the Projectile and Swarm Forms of SageArts!
Projectiles are attacks that generate an object that flies in a specified direction, damaging enemies it collides with. They can be slow or fast, large or small, and can home on to targets and or pass through them. They can also be generated within a set range of the player as well!
Below is an example of a remotely generated projectile. It is also an example of a single, Focused ability.
Swarms are a series of projectiles generated at once which otherwise function similar to Projectiles with a few exceptions, mainly that they always pierce through enemies, and the total damage dealt is split among all generated projectiles.
Below is an example of a Swarm attack, as well as an Instant attack combo.
These are just the beginning of the series of ability types that fall under the SageArt category. If you want to learn more, tune in next week for more examples!
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May the Branches light your path!
- Ωs Emmanuel