Tapestry Tuesday #5 - Focused SageShot
Hello all, Ohms here!
Another week, another Tapestry Tuesday! This week we focus on SageShot Threads, representations of ranged weapon attacks for the player!
Firstly, SageShots can be subdivided into 3 “Styles”, a further category beyond the typical Output/Form types. These styles are Single, Multi, and Full shot Styles.
Single Shots are straightforward, firing a single shot per ammunition consumed.
Multi-Shots fire a set number of shots per ammunition consumed
Full shots instead fire up to an entire magazine’s worth of ammunition in one go.
For the sake of simplicity, the examples that will be presented over the next few weeks are focused exclusively on Single Shot style abilities.
The first of the Outputs demonstrated is the Focused Output for a Single Shot attack. It is the most straightforward of the ranged attacks, sending out a single attack as part of a short animation.
There is much more where this comes from, and I am very much looking forward to sharing it with you!
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May the Branches light your path!
- Ωs Emmanuel