Tapestry Tuesday #6 - Channeled SageShot

Hello again all, its Ohms here!

Once again I come to you on a Tapestry Tuesday with more information on the various Thread skills in the game. Today’s thread skill continues where we left off last week, with the next step being Channeled SageShots!

The Iconography of a Single Shot, Channelled Sageshot

Channeled Sageshots, More colloquially known as “Charge Attacks” cause the player to prepare an attack in advance for a brief period, releasing the attack as a more powerful version. Depending on the Shot Style, this can have varying effects.

  • Full-Shot Style Threads release a giant flurry of projectiles all at once depending on how much ammo has been consumed.

  • Multi-Shot Style Threads release a small flurry of larger bullets that deal extra damage depending on how much ammo is consumed.

  • Single Shot Style Threads, as demonstrated below, release a single shot of increasing damage and size depending on how much ammo is consumed.

Single Charge

Double Charge

Full Charge

With this implemented, players can overwhelm their enemies with a single ranged attack burst, at the cost of ammo and vulnerability.

There is still one final category for ranged attacks that is yet to be shown. Look forward to it!

If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe to my website, and follow my social media to keep up with the increasing content!

May the Branches light your path!

- Ωs Emmanuel


Tapestry Tuesday #7 - Instant SageShot


Tapestry Tuesday #5 - Focused SageShot