Tapestry Tuesday #4 - Utility Imperative Threads

Hello all, its Ohms again.

Another week means another Tapestry Tuesday and today’s topic is the final of the three Forms of Imperative Thread Skills: Utility Thread Skills.

The Core Gear of Utility

Utility Threads are the last of the 3 Imperative Skill Forms, and represent the most core skills of the playable characters. This category of skills is the most varied, as it can be as simple as a character changing stances or states, or as complex as creating unique platforms or manipulating time. In any case, for most characters there is usually a single Utility skill in their arsenal, or at most 3, which they can use both inside and outside of their environments to manipulate the environment to their advantage.

There’s the 3 Aspectral Outputs again

The adjustments made to Utility Thread Skills are straightforward and simple, reverting to the core reasoning behind the output in the first place: Length of time in the execution of an ability.

Instant Utility Threads take effect almost instantly, and are intended for immediate use, often in the midst of battle, to give them an advantage over their opponent in maneuverability, battlefield control, or otherwise. They also can apply to state changes as well.

Focused Utility, The Elemental Grasp

Focused Utility Threads take a period of time to set up, but do not necessarily render the playable character vulnerable during said time period.

Channeled Utility Threads take a significant period of time and concentration to set up, rendering the playable character vulnerable during this time period.

The Elemental Grasp demonstrated

For the purposes of Project: Lovers, the utility skill Elemental Grasp was developed, an auto-gathering skill from which the player can equip new items, fill their inventory, or absorb items for improved stats. Thus, it fulfills the core elements of the game all at once, by giving players access to items for Control, Collection and Consumption all at once!

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May the Branches light your path!

- Ωs Emmanuel


Tapestry Tuesday Sneak Peek!


Tapestry Tuesday #3 - Evasive Imperative Threads